7230 E 29th St. N. Wichita, KS 67226   |  316.683.2500  |  TheArtParkWichita@gmail.com



Registration and Tuition

Once KDO/camp/class/workshop registration has been completed and paid it is final (after all, registration is how we make hiring, scheduling and supply order decisions).  No refunds are granted for missed or unused tuition.  If a student is unable to attend an event the tuition may be transferable to another student or camp.   This is subject to availability.  We reserve the right to combine classes/camps/workshops due to low enrollment or subject compatibility. We reserve the right to modify art projects based on enrollment, participants age, maturity or behavior, weather, or any circumstance beyond our control.

Weekly art classes are organized into four semesters per year.  Semester enrollment is a flexible attendance plan.  Decide which day/time you can consistently come to and pre-pay for all but one class from the current semester.  If you attend all the classes the one “extra” class will be added to your next semesters’ tuition.  Unused tuition/classes cannot be carried over to the next semester.  For weekly classes, an annual $15 per person registration fee is applicable with the first semester’s tuition.  This fee helps to support our annual spring Art Show, which is in April at The Art Park.


Make-ups can be arranged for emergencies and illness only for any camps/classes/workshops.  One class can be missed per semester without needing to be made up on the semester payment plan.  If more than one class is missed, please contact your child’s teacher.  Make-ups must be scheduled in advance and depend on class availability.  For your scheduling convenience, students may bring a friend or family member to make-up for the missed class.  Make-up days are also a perfect opportunity to work on any unfinished art pieces from their folders.

Parking Lot and Classroom Policies

At arrival time you are welcome to pull into the “no parking” zone to drop off older students.  If your child cannot open the front door independently please park in a stall and bring them inside.  Students will be dismissed outside by the fishpond.  Please park your car, walk over and collect your student.  The main thorough fair needs to be kept clear and all cars need to be parked in a stall at dismissal.  Students are not allowed to walk to parked cars by themselves.  We need everyone to be safe!!!

Emergency, Accident or Injury, Allergies & Medical Conditions: 

The staff at The Art Park makes every effort to ensure the safety of your child. Unfortunately, accidents may occur.  In the event of a medical emergency or injury, the staff will do the following:

In a non-life threatening situation or injury: A staff member will administer first aid.  The parent will be informed as to the injury when they pick up their child.
In a life-threatening situation or severe injury: A staff member will stay with the child and send someone to call 911.  The parent will also be called and the emergency contacts if a parent cannot be reached.  A staff member will accompany the child to the hospital or doctor’s office if parent is not available and stay with the child until a parent/guardian arrives.


If a child wakes up ill before class please do not bring them to The Art Park.  If a child displays one or more of the following symptoms in our care, the parents will be contacted and expected to pick up the child immediately: Fever of 101 degrees or higher, vomiting, diarrhea, acute illness or severe pain, or any other contagious illness.  Until the parent arrives, the child will be isolated from the other children, supervised by a staff member and kept as comfortable as possible.  Tuition will be credited for illness if notified before camp begins.

Behavior Policy: 

We make every effort to recognize and encourage acceptable behavior and language. Consistent rules and routines, clear direction and explanations, and positive guidance and encouragement are all part of our behavior policy.  Our goal is to help children learn self-control and how to be responsible for their own behavior.  Discipline consists of positive reinforcement, re-directive activities and time for reflection.  Parents are notified when misbehavior occurs and of any continuing problems. Continuous misbehavior may result in suspension or dismissal from the program.

Program Rules:  

We treat each other with respect and kindness, share, listen when others speak, respect the property of others, keep our bodies to ourselves, refrain from using hurtful language, include all students in activities and help clean up the activity.

Unfinished Artwork:

Students will not always finish a piece of art the day it is begun so a folder is kept at The Art Park and a “finish-up” day is scheduled every 6-8 weeks.  Please leave all unfinished work here so students can have the opportunity to use our high quality materials to finish it.

Holidays and Closings

Please call The Art Park if schools are closed due to weather.  The weather often clears up by the afternoon so we do not automatically cancel class if the schools are closed.  Our voicemail will update you with any cancellations or check the local TV and radio news stations.  In the event there is a snow day and class is cancelled we will hold class an extra ½ hour the next week in an effort to make-up.

Art Shows

Student artwork is frequently displayed at various establishments in the Wichita area.  Students enjoy visiting their displayed artwork and are very proud to have their work seen in public places.  We encourage you to make the outing and don’t forget your camera!